Strategy and Planning Path

Strategy and Planning Path

Explore, plan, and implement recommended strategies in your marketing program.

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Strategy and Planning Path
We suggest taking the following courses in the order they are presented below, but you may choose to go any way you want. It's your path after all! Remember to click "Register" to enroll in the path. 

Once you have finished all the courses, you'll earn your Strategy and Planning Path Completion badge!
How to Create your Data Schema
Plan and set up the data schema for your Iterable project.
15 minutes
Introductory Analytics Manager Self-Paced Learning Data Manager Data Management Engineer Account Administration 6-15 minutes Strategy and Planning
Ask an Expert Series: Using Your Data to Drive Personalization
Learn about data types and how to create personalized content.
10 minutes
Course catalog Introductory Templates Self-Paced Learning Email & Mobile Marketer Data Management Mini-Series Ask an Expert 6-15 minutes Strategy and Planning
Ask an Expert Series: Strategic Services; Personalization Maturity
Learn about personalization maturity and how to get there with Senior Strategic Services Consultant, Brett Eckrich
20 minutes
Course catalog Self-Paced Learning Deepening Knowledge Email & Mobile Marketer Mini-Series Ask an Expert 16-30 minutes Strategy and Planning
Building Reputation through IP and Domain Warming
Learn the key concepts and steps to conduct a successful reputation warming.
15 minutes
Course catalog Deliverability IP Warming Self-Paced Learning Deepening Knowledge Email & Mobile Marketer Email 6-15 minutes Strategy and Planning
Ask an Expert Series: Strategies for your Iterable Onboarding Experience
Learn to think like a growth marketer during your onboarding at Iterable.
15 minutes
Course catalog Introductory Self-Paced Learning Email & Mobile Marketer Data Management Mini-Series Ask an Expert 6-15 minutes Strategy and Planning
Spring Cleaning Your Data: Get set up for marketing success!
60 minutes
Course catalog Self-Paced Learning Data Manager Deepening Knowledge Email & Mobile Marketer Data Management Recorded Live Training 31+ minutes Strategy and Planning
Delivering Joyful Experiences with Iterable's AI Optimization Suite
In the recording of this live virtual training, we dive deep into how you can leverage our AI tools to uplevel your marketing strategy.
60 minutes
Introductory Self-Paced Learning Email & Mobile Marketer Recorded Live Training Iterable AI 31+ minutes Strategy and Planning
Path Completion Badge: Strategy and Planning
Collect your badge for finishing this learning path
Path Completion Badges